7 Questions to Ask Your First Trimester

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By BarneyBaker

After the news of your pregnancy is over, you may feel anxious. To address any concerns, make sure you schedule an appointment with your gynecologist.

We’re here to help you if you are unsure what questions you should ask your doctor at your first pre-natal visit.

1.     Q: What kind of pre-natal screenings or tests will I need to conduct in the next few months?

Your doctor will recommend an ultrasound scan and antenatal tests for the first trimester (10-12 weeks). It is recommended that you have prenatal testing for Down syndrome. A detailed fetal anomaly scan is done on the foetus at 20 weeks. A glucose screening may be ordered by your obstetrician and gynaecologist to check for gestational diabetes at 28 week gestation.

2.     Q: What weight gain should I expect to see during my pregnancy?

Your body mass index (BMI), before pregnancy, will determine how much weight you should gain.

These are weight loss recommendations for pregnant women with only one child.

  • BMI below 18.5: 12.7- 18.1kg
  • BMI 18.5 – 24.9: 11.3–15.9kg
  • BMI 25.0 – 29.9: 6.8-11.3kg
  • BMI greater or equal to 30.0: 5.9kg – 9.1kg

These are the best recommendations for twin moms:

  • BMI below 18.5: 22.7-28.9kg
  • BMI 18.5 – 24.9: 16.8–24.5kg
  • BMI 25.0 – 29.9: 14.1–22.7kg
  • BMI greater or equal to 30.0: 11.3- 19.1kg

If you are healthy and normal, your first trimester should see you gain 1 to 1.8kg and 0.5 kg each week during the second and third trimesters.

Twins should average 0.7kg per week during the second and third trimesters if you’re expecting them.

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Women with a BMI greater than 25 are advised to gain about 0.25 kg per week during the second and third trimesters.

3.     Q: Is it possible that I am genetically predisposed for certain medical conditions that could pose a high risk to my fetus’ health? What are my options to reduce my risk?

Preeclampsia, stillbirth, and diabetes can all be increased by high blood pressure, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases like lupus or multiple sclerosis. Talk to your doctor about possible steps you can take to lower these chances.

4.     Q: What are the most common symptoms of pregnancy? How can I manage them?

These are the most common symptoms:

  • Bloating
  • Heartburn
  • Fatigue
  • Tender breasts
  • Fatigue
  • Constipation
  • Headaches
  • Food aversions and cravings
  • Mood swings
  • nausea

Your gynaecologist and obstetrician can give you advice on what signs to look out for so you are better prepared.

5.     Q: Which foods should I eat more of?

Because they provide more than half your daily folate requirements in one serving, spinach and lentils are considered superfoods for pregnant mothers. They are high in iron, phosphorus and magnesium, which is essential for the development of fetal tissue. Also recommended are walnuts, raspberry, sweet potatoes and avocado, as well as wild salmon, wild salmon, sweet potatoes, lean chicken, sweet potato, avocado, and chocolate (in small amounts). Consult your doctor if you are a vegetarian or pescatarian to determine the best foods to include in your pregnancy diet.

6.     Q: How can I eat less or stop eating altogether?

Raw food is a no-no. This applies to eggs, fish, and shellfish.

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Avoid soft cheeses like brie, gorgonzola and camembert as they are made with unpasteurised dairy products and could contain listeria.

Avoid alcohol, as alcohol can pass through the placenta into the baby’s bloodstream and cause fetal alcohol syndrome.

Avoid sharks, swordfish and tilefish that have high mercury levels.

7.     Q: Can I eat for two now?

Exercising too often can lead to excessive weight gain, gestational diabetes and other complications. You can eat healthier snacks like blueberries, yogurt parfaits, hummus and kale chips if you feel hungry frequently.